On this chart displays history of exchange rate for AUD/SEK or (Australian dollar Quick conversion table showing conversion rates between AUD SEK pair.
Following are currency exchange calculator, just Enter the amount of money to History of Exchange Rate 171 Australian Dollar (AUD) to Swedish Krona (SEK)
This is the live AUD SEK rate forex data page, displaying the FX price for the AUD/SEK. The FX rate self-updates every few seconds. Compare exchange rates with base currency AUD with the second table of results. Get free historical data for USD SEK (US Dollar Swedish Krona). You'll find the closing price, open, high, low, change and %change of the currency pair for the selected range of dates. Convert To Result Explain 1 AUD: SEK: 6.5042 SEK: 1 Australian Dollar = 6.5042 Swedish Kronor as of 4/9/2021 1 AUD(Australian Dollar) to SEK(Swedish Kronor) exchange conversion for today . How much is Australian Dollar in Swedish Kronors ?
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This is the live AUD SEK rate forex data page, displaying the FX price for the AUD/SEK. The FX rate self-updates every few seconds. Compare exchange rates with base currency AUD with the second table of results. Australian - US Dollar Exchange Rate (AUD USD) - Historical Chart. Interactive historical chart showing the daily Australian Dollar - U.S. Dollar (AUDUSD) exchange rate back to 1991.
For most of 2016, the AUD to SEK exchange rate sat around 1 AUD to 6 to 6.5 SEK, rising to a peak of 6.95928 SEK in February 2017. Recent exchange rates as of 21 st August 2018 saw the AUD to SEK peak in favour of the AUD with an exchange rate of 1 Australian dollar to 6.72501 Swedish krona. 3 Swedish Krona (SEK) To Australian Dollar (AUD) Exchange Rate History This page shows the historical data for Swedish Krona (SEK) To Australian Dollar (AUD) From Sunday 14/02/2021 To Monday 08/03/2021.
XE's free live currency conversion chart for Japanese Yen to Swedish Krona allows you to pair exchange rate history for up to 10. Japanska Yen (JPY) per
De är inte transaktionskurser. Läs mer. Visa överföringspris. Rate** Average: 0.760375: 30 Nov 2020: 0.727723: 31 Dec 2020: 0.753888: 31 Jan 2021: 0.771538: 28 Feb 2021: 0.775399: 31 Mar 2021: 0.770893: 12 Apr 2021: 0.762807: Average {{results.average}} {{point.Date}} {{point.Rate}} 2021-04-12 · Historical Exchange Rates For Australian Dollar to Swedish Krona 6.25 6.33 6.41 6.50 6.58 6.66 Dec 13 Dec 27 Jan 11 Jan 26 Feb 10 Feb 25 Mar 12 Mar 27 120-day exchange rate history for AUD to SEK Quick Conversions from Australian Dollar to Swedish Krona : 1 AUD = 6.51071 SEK AUD/SEK (Australian dollar/Swedish krona) Dec 2019 (12.2019) exchange rate history.
History Thursday 25/02/2021 - Saturday 06/03/2021. Date. Australian Dollar. Swedish Krona. History. Saturday 06/03/2021. 1 AUD =. 6.55524 SEK. AUD SEK rate 06/03/2021.
graph chart, rate history, compare table and AUD/SEK common conversions. Info includes intraday forex data if available, an example AUD SEK currency conversion table, AUD to SEK history listing Australian Dollars to Swedish Krona Between 2016 and 2017, Sweden's GDP grew by around 3.3%, largely due to investment in construction.1. Swedish Krona Historical Exchange Rate. Sweden has On this chart displays history of exchange rate for AUD/SEK or (Australian dollar Quick conversion table showing conversion rates between AUD SEK pair. Convert 500 Australian Dollar (AUD) to Swedish Krona (SEK). Get live AUD & SEK currency exchange rates, price history, news and money transfer options. SEK to AUD exchange rate.
Dec 30. 6.52. Dec 29. 6.52.
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Below shows the current exchange rate of the currency pairs updated every 1 minutes and their exchange rates history graph. 2021-04-12
The table below shows historical exchange rates between the Swedish Krona (SEK) and the Australian Dollar (AUD) between 1/1/0001 and 1/1/0001
The table below shows historical exchange rates between the Swedish Krona (SEK) and the Euro (EUR) between 10/8/2020 and 4/6/2021.
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9 AUD = 58.80934 SEK. 9 Swedish Krona To Australian Dollar . Exchange Rates Updated: Apr 12,2021 13:22 UTC. Full history please visit AUD/SEK History
Exchange conversion result is greater than 1, so, Australian Dollar is stronger than Swedish Kronor. How do you write currency 30000 AUD and SEK? AUD is the abbreviation of Australian Dollar and SEK is the abbreviation of Swedish Kronor. Comparing AUD/SEK Exchange Rates. You should always check the total cost for any exchange rate you are provided by banks or FX specialists.
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Convert: ᐈ 15 000.00 Australian Dollar (AUD) to Swedish Krona (SEK) - currency converter, course history.
Select your currencies and the date to get histroical rate tables. XE - The World's Trusted Currency Authority: Money Year 2021 Australian dollar/Swedish krona (AUD/SEK) rates history, splited by months, charts for the whole year and every month, exchange rates for any day … 2018-12-31 Australian Dollar(AUD) To Swedish Krona(SEK) This is the page of currency pairs, Australian Dollar(AUD) convert to Swedish Krona(SEK). Below shows the current exchange rate of the currency pairs updated every 1 minutes and their exchange rates history graph.